EIRAC Contacts A


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EIR Accessibility Coordinator
Thu, 31 Aug 2023 15:51:51 +0000
Good morning!

We are excited about offering the September workshop for anyone that wants to learn more about Electronic and Information Resources.

On Thursday, we will concentrate on what Texas law requires of state agencies and our lunch keynote speaker will be Moreblessings Chickavanga. Moreblessings is a UTA graduate that successfully navigated her college career while being blind. [Moreblessing was also a member of my team as a student worker and helped us develop our VPAT scorecard!]

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EIR Accessibility Coordinator
Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:25:13 +0000
[E I R Accessibility September 14 and 15. Two Day Workshop at UTA!]

UT Arlington is hosting a two-day EIR Accessibility Workshop on September 14 and 15!

UT Arlington is offering this two-day workshop to Texas’ Institutions of Higher Education, Junior Colleges and Community Colleges. The September event is limited to a maximum of 38 participants. This small size will allow us to have an opportunity for an open discussion about the EIR accessibility requirements faced by these educational institutions in Texas.

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EIR Accessibility Coordinator
Fri, 30 Jun 2023 18:04:18 +0000
[E I R Accessibility September 14 and 15. Two Day Workshop at UTA!]

UT Arlington is hosting a two-day EIR Accessibility Workshop on September 14 and 15!

UT Arlington is offering this two-day workshop to Texas’ Institutions of Higher Education, Junior Colleges and Community Colleges. The September event is limited to a maximum of 38 participants. This small size will allow us to have an opportunity for an open discussion about the EIR accessibility requirements faced by these educational institutions in Texas.

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