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Connie S Bynum <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 14:54:54 -0600
text/plain (167 lines)
DEFINE is an electronic communication of class schedules, announcements
and updates regarding DEFINE, the on-line accounting system.  It is
distributed by the Office of Accounting and Business Services, DEFINE
Education and Training.  Subscriptions are free and may be placed by
following the instructions at the end.  If you have received this message
from [log in to unmask], then you are already subscribed.
Subscriptions may also be removed by following the instructions at the end.

The *DEFINE Classes for the Month of March are as follows:

                      *Basic Navigating in *DEFINE

                      *Tuesday,  March 6th   8:30 a.m.  - 10:00 a.m.

  This class is designed for campus faculty and staff members who are
required to use the on-line accounting system for processing transactions or
managing account balances.  Topics covered include an explanation of what
*DEFINE is and how it can be used, how to access *DEFINE, how to set or
change a password, explanations of basic screen structure, tips for
successful navigation through *DEFINE screens, information available in
*DEFINE and where to get HELP with the system.  Participants will sign on to
*DEFINE and navigate through the screens with the instructor. Please
contact us at ext. 2138 or via e-mail at [log in to unmask] to
establish a User ID and password before attending class.

                      *GBM (Account Balances) & GTM (Account Transactions)

                      *Tuesday,  March 6th   10:15 a.m. -  11:45 a.m.

  This class is designed for campus faculty and staff who are required to
manage account balances and decipher on-line balance and transaction
information. Topics covered include what input information is required to
view balance and transaction information, explanations of the screen
headings and how to read the balance and transaction data.  Participants are
asked to bring a departmental account number to class and encouraged to ask
specific account questions.

                            *AMM (Employee Appointments-PAFs)

                      *Thursday, March 8th   8:30 a.m. -  10:00 a.m.

 This class is designed for staff members who are required to process
appointment documents for their department personnel.  Each employee's
appointment document designates his or her payroll information. Participants
will learn how to process new electronic appointment documents and how to
change information on existing appointments.

                       *ETM (Employee Time Management, Vacation/SickLeave)

                       *Wednesday, March 7th   2:00 p.m. -  3:00 p.m.

 This class is designed for those responsible for maintaining departmental
employee time records such as vacation, sick leave and other absences. Class
topics include instructions for entering employee time records
electronically and viewing employee time balances and accruals on-line.

                     *VT1 and VT2 (Request to Transfer Funds)

                     *Wednesday, March 7th    3:30 p.m. -  4:30 p.m.

 This class is designed for University personnel who are responsible for
moving funds between accounts and budget categories.  Participants will
learn how to create electronic transfers of funds between different account
numbers and between budget categories within the same account.
Electronic transfers are not allowed on 26 (grant) accounts or
30(restricted) accounts.

                     * VP2 (Under $1,000 Voucher Payments and
                               & GGV(Vendor ID Setup)

                     *Thursday, March 15th   8:30 a.m. -  10:30 a.m.

  This class is designed for staff members who are required to process
payment vouchers for their department.  Participants will learn how to
create electronic vouchers for reimbursements or purchases under $1,000 and
how to set up vendor identification numbers that are not currently in
the vendor file.

                      *VP2 LAB

                      *Thursday, March  15th   10:45 a.m. -  12:00 p.m.

The VP2 Lab is a workshop designed for staff members who have attended VP2
training and would like more experience entering electronic payments.
Participants will be given sample payment invoices (or may bring actual
payment documents from their department) and allowed to create electronic
payment vouchers.  Individuals work at their own pace and seating is limited
to provide adequate instructor attention for specific questions.

                       *VP7 (Procurement Card Voucher)

                       *Tuesday, March 20th   11:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.

 This class is designed for staff members who approve electronic Procard
payment vouchers.  Participants will learn how the electronic Procard
voucher is created, how they will be notified that the document has been
created, how to access the voucher and how to make changes and approve the
voucher for payment.  Class instruction will also cover the types of changes
that can or cannot be made to the electronic Procard voucher.

                     *VE5, VE6 and VP5 (Request to Travel and Travel

                     *Tuesday, March 13th   8:30 a.m. -  11:30 a.m.

  This class is designed for staff members responsible for processing travel
requests and payments for individuals in a department. Participants will
learn how to create electronic travel requests, correct original travel
request documents and process electronic travel reimbursements.

                    *TRAVEL LAB

                    *Wednesday, March 14th   3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

 The travel Lab is a workshop designed for staff members who have attended
VE5, VE6 and VP5 training and would like more experience entering their
electronic travel requests and reimbursements.  Participants will be given
sample travel documents and allowed to create electronic travel requests and
vouchers.  Individuals work at their own pace and seating is limited to
provide adequate instructor attention for specific questions.

  NOTE:  You should have prior authorizations to modules to attend classes.

  Please sign up by e-mailing [log in to unmask] Classes are
limited to 20 participants.

  Classes require the user to access the system, so please ensure that your
password is current and arrive promptly at the scheduled time to prevent
class disruption.

  If you require an accommodation because of a disability to fully
participate in these programs, please contact *DEFINE Education at extension

  *All classes will be held in Room 110A JD Wetsel Service Bldg.

  *You will enter the building from the West side doors, these are the ones
closest to the Stadium. Go through two sets of double doors, the last set
will say "Watch Out for Forklifts". Turn left, walk down the ramp, then take
a left and turn up some stairs.

To subscribe to DEFINE, send an electronic mail message to
[log in to unmask]  In the body of the message type the

subscribe define your-full-name

There is no charge to subscribe.  The information can also be found on
the World Wide Web at

To remove yourself from DEFINE, send an electronic mail message to
[log in to unmask]  In the body of the message type the

signoff define

An on-line interactive subscription page for joining and leaving the list is
located at