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multipart/mixed; boundary="_002_34FD9F3A8F23D74787006C9C8AC56B07F7166464A2MAVMAIL2utaed_"
Tue, 22 Mar 2011 19:51:14 -0500
Center for Theory <[log in to unmask]>
"Alaimo, Stacy" <[log in to unmask]>
Center for Theory <[log in to unmask]>
I can't resist one last bit of publicity for our "Sustainability Across
the Curriculum" symposium, which will be from 9-12 in Nedderman 100 tomorrow.

Hope to see you there!

Stacy Alaimo
Professor of English
Co-Chair of the University's Sustainability Committee
University of Texas at Arlington
ACES Sustainability Across the Curriculum Symposium

All UTA students, faculty, and staff, as well as interested community members are welcome to attend this lively discussion about how sustainability and environmentalism play out in scholarly research, the classroom, and everyday life. 
Wednesday March 23rd, 9:00-12:00, 2011  		100 Nedderman Hall

A. 9-9:50   Sustainability in the Real World:  An Interdisciplinary Praxis.  (Do environmental and sustainability studies require interdisciplinary research?  How does academic research on sustainability and environment translate into the practices of everyday life?)
Moderator:  Douglas Klahr (Assistant Professor, Architecture) 
1.  Chris Morris  (Associate Professor, History) 
2.  Andrew Hunt (Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences) 
3.  David Wallace (Doctoral Student, English) 

B. 10-10:50 Paradigm Shifts: Policy, Research, Curriculum, and Pedagogy.   (How do sustainability policies affect curricula in such fields as engineering, architecture, and urban planning?  What can service learning, site-based learning, and other pedagogies contribute to sustainability and environmental studies?)
Moderator: Laura Mydlarz (Assistant Professor, Biology) 
1.  Shirley Theriot (Director, Center for Community Service 	Learning) 
2.  Wanda Dye  (Assistant Professor, Architecture) 
3.  Melanie Sattler (Associate Professor, Engineering) 

C. 11-11:50 “Environmental Movements to Sustainability Policy, Procedure, and Regulation:  The Challenge of Translating Vision into Institutional Practice” (What happens when social and political movements become a matter of policy and procedure? How does institutionalization affect the  principles, ideals, and outcomes of sustainability models?)
Moderator: Stacy Alaimo (Professor, English)
1. David Smith (Doctoral Student, History)
2. Jeff Howard (Associate Professor, School of Urban and Public Affairs) 
3. Meghna Tare (Director, Office of Sustainability)  
4.    Chelsea Roff, (undergraduate, Psychology)

From: Center for Theory [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Agger, Ben [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 7:38 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: tomorrow's Center for Theory colloquium

A reminder:  Carl Grodach will be presenting tomorrow, Wednesday; see details below.  And David Purkiss will present on April 20th.  Please spread the word among faculty and students.


Spring 2011 Center for Theory Colloquia
All will be held at noon in University Hall 432 from noon to 1pm

Carl Grodach, March  23, “Cultural Economy Planning in Creative Cities:  Discourse and Practice”
David Purkiss, April 20, “Would Marx be on Facebook?”