Ben Agger <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> fyi, from ben
-----Original Message-----
From: Enid Arvidson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 5:38 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Fwd: Invitation to visit new cyberMarxist web site

>>You're invited to visit the new website of the radical journal,
>>cy.Rev, "A Journal of
>>Cybernetic Revolution, Sustainable Socialism & Radical Democracy",
>>with related
>>contributions and political discussions based on its articles.
>>The url is www.cyrev.net
>>We are dedicated to updating the revolutionary tradition to take
>>into account the explosion of the information economy,
>>globalization, environmental destruction and the current struggles
>>of the masses of humanity for survival, justice and dignity.
>>The Current Issue takes you to the latest issue of cy.Rev, #6. The
>>Archive contains all previous issues  including our groundbreaking
>>Promise And Peril of the Third Wave in Issue 1. Contributions
>>contains  additional articles that are of interest to cy.Rev
>>readers. Please note the new article by Jerry Harris and Bill
>>Robinson, Fissures in the Globalist Ruling Bloc?and one by John
>>Beckwith exposing the latest fallacies to come out of the "IQists"
>>(scientists who continue to attempt to "prove" a link between IQ and
>>Carl Davidson
>>Managing Editor, cy.Rev

Dr. Enid Arvidson                       817-272-3349/3071
School of Urban & Public Affairs        817-272-5008 (fax)
University of Texas                     mailto:[log in to unmask]
Arlington, TX 76019