Hi Everyone:

We have an exciting week coming up with the board meeting next Thursday.  Since we know some of our recent graduates will be in town for the board meeting, I have scheduled a Happy Hour for all current MSMR students, all MSMR graduates, any board members who wish to attend, any faculty who wish to attend, and anyone else currently working in the marketing research field.  Please pass this invitation along to anyone you think would be interested.

We will be meeting at Moose & Vinney's on North Collins on Friday, October 13.  I will not be able to get there until around 5:30 or 5:45, but Happy Hour lasts from 11am to 7pm, so if you want to get there early and get started, please feel free!  You can stay as long as you want, but I do want to encourage everyone to at least stop by.  It will be great fun and an excellent opportunity to meet others in our field.

I hope I will see all of you there, and maybe get a chance to meet some of our grads that I don't know yet. Please let me know if you plan on attending.  Also, if you need directions (or a ride from your hotel if you are coming in from out of town), please let me know!  See you next week!

Carli Rosencranz

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