> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wendy Buford [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 6:08 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      SAVE OUR LOUNGE!!!!
> Suzanne, will you forward this to the sociology listserve, please?
> FYI for All Anthropology and Sociology Students:
> I don't know how many of you are aware of the student lounge on the 4th
> floor.  It is the first door on the left as you come off the elevator.
> The
> Anthropology Club and Lambda Alpha use it for their twice monthly
> meetings.
> It is also used by students between class time as a place to study, have
> lunch, visit with other students and faculty, and even, I have witnessed,
> catnap. (Some people can sleep through anything, can't they, Jason?)
> It has been decided by the powers that be, against the recommendations of
> the Sociology-Anthropology Dept. faculty and chair, to appropriate the
> student lounge for a lab.  We want to keep the lounge where it is because
> of
> it's central location and convenience for anthro and sociology students.
> To accomplish that, we need to make our wishes and needs known to the
> dept.
> chair, Dr. Young.  There will be a sort of log in/petition sheet in the
> lounge by Thursday afternoon.  Would everyone who uses the lounge please
> sign in and let us know what you use it for and how often?
> Also, we had originally planned a "decorating party" to spruce up the
> lounge.  The Anthropology Club voted to go ahead with that; it will be
> this
> Friday between noon and 3 pm.  Come anytime you can and help us out with
> your ideas and muscle.  We'll have something to eat and try to come up
> with
> a foolproof plan to keep the lounge where it is!
> Thanks for wading through this rather long message---hope to see you
> Friday.
> Wendy
> Wendy Buford
> Anthropology Club President
> [log in to unmask]
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