
The economic times are making it harder for our students to find jobs, either permanent or for internships. Fortunately, of six students graduating in December only two, Sanjay Asnani and Grant Ruple, are not yet employed. But we have a plethora of unplaced students seeking internships for spring (i.e., January) and summer. The following students are seeking internship placement for the spring or summer. Their bios and resumes are on our Web site (as are Sanjay's and Grant's). Any help you can provide them in their search will be gratefully accepted, whether it be contacts within your own organization or referrals to others elsewhere. You may send all such information to me for redistribution. Of course, you or anyone else are free to peruse the student's information and deal with them directly.

Spring 2003                            
Antono  Anti    Chicago & Boston        supplier               
Azad    Abul    DFW     ?       Could be start of permanent FT.
Cooley  Michele DFW     either  Could be start of permanent FT.
Edwards Kristie DFW                    
Fadeyeva        Irina   DFW     CPG     loves multivariate analysis    
Leonov  Vladimir        S. F. area                     
Lulla   Manish  anywhere        supplier        Could be start of permanent FT.
Perryman        Paula   Florida pharma or supplier thereto             
Samuel  Naveena see prefs in note       supplier (but client ok)        Could be start of permanent FT.
Shah    Amishi  anywhere        supplier        Could be start of permanent FT.
Xue     Simon   DFW     supplier               

Summer 2003                            
Ambastha        Sanjay  DFW     either  Could be start of permanent FT.
Anjum   Adnan   DFW     HT client (supplier ok)        
Barnes  Thonisha        DFW     client         
Bernard Casey   DFW     supplier        Could be start of permanent FT.
Cumbie  Steve   DFW             Could be start of permanent FT.
Edwards Kristie DFW             Could be start of permanent FT.
Fernandez       Patricia        DFW     supplier               
Han     William anywhere                       
Issrani Jayesh  DFW, but flexible       supplier (med-size)     Could be start of permanent FT.
Jacob   Manoj   anywhere if 3 mos       client (technology)            
Landtroop       Ryan    DFW                    
Lulla   Manish  anywhere        supplier        continuation of spring 
Thyagarajan     Usha    Detroit area    FMCGs          
Van Schenck     Jennifer        DFW     supplier               
Wang    Ping    DFW                    
Xue     Simon   S.F. or NYC area        supplier               

Many, many thanks for your help. It is vital.



John Bassler, Ph.D., Director, MSMR Program
The University of Texas at Arlington
(817) 272-2340 (office)
(866) 296-3256 (toll-free)
(214) 212-6321 (wireless)
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