A small correction to the list of topics - I'll be talking on November 11th about both "The Matrix" and "The Matrix Reloaded" (the sequel to "The Matrix") which will be released this summer - I believe it will be released in June. So, if you plan to attend, and if you can bear to do so, please see "The Matrix Reloaded."
There's also going to be "The Matrix: The Game" released soon for PCs, but I don't expect you to have played this before the meeting in November.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Agger [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 11:58 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: tentative 2003-04 Center for Theory speakers series

I am pleased to announce the following speakers in both our 2003-04 Center for Theory outside speakers series and our CfT informal theory colloquia.


Outside Speakers:

As I indicated earlier, Doug Kellner (UCLA) will be visiting us during September (probably mid-September).  The date and time of his presentation are TBA.  Tim Luke (Virginia Tech) has agreed to visit and speak during the spring semester, again date and time TBA.


Informal Theory Colloquia:

September 4th, 2003, Thursday, 12:30pm in University Hall 213:  Susan Hekman will talk about identity politics.


October 2nd, 2003, Thursday, 12:30pm in UH213:  Debbie Reed-Danahay will talk about Pierre Bourdieu.


November 11th, Thursday, 12:30pm in UH213:  Martin Danahay will talk about the movie The Matrix and cultural studies.


If you want to present some of your work in the spring, please let me know.  We have three or four colloquia available for spring.  For these informal theory colloquia, I have in mind a half-hour (or less) presentation, followed by a half hour of informal discussion.


I am also pleased to announce that we have made a connection with theorists and sociologists at TCU, who we cordially invite to attend and present at our speakers series. 


I will remind you of these dates late in the summer.

