On November 13th, Martin Danahay will present the final fall-semester theory
colloquium on The Matrix Reloaded (12:30pm, UH213).  If you want to discuss
your work, either via formal presentation or informal discussion, during the
spring semester, please let me know.  You need not present a formal paper
but can feel free just to chat about your work in progress, esp if the work
is in its early stages.

We could also use these monthly sessions to discuss a theoretical topic (and
perhaps reading) of common interest.  In this sense, our monthly meetings
could be viewed as a reading group or a discussion group.  In effect, you
could view yourself as a discussion leader or facilitator.  (For example, we
could discuss Derrida's and Habermas' recent interviews about terrorism.)
Let me know if you have a topic or idea for spring, and want to be
responsible for facilitating discussion about it.

Finally, I'd like to send out regularly a list of writings that people have
published recently or are working on.  Not everyone around the table knows
what the next person is doing or has done recently.  If there is something
that you want mentioned, drop me a line and I'll collect these and post
