Illegal Employment


The UTA International Office was contacted over the winter holidays by an individual regarding UTA international students who are purportedly working illegally.  This person has informed the University that she has registered a formal complaint with the USCIS (formerly INS) and given the name and location of the company.


While the International Office is not involved in this matter, it is important that every international student at UTA understands what constitutes illegal employment and the associated consequences.  Any services rendered or any type of work for which payment is received is considered employment by the immigration service.   International students who have not received specific authorization for employment are in violation of their immigration status and can be deported.


Please be aware that illegal employment is a serious issue that the USCIS does not take lightly.  Any off-campus work for which you do not have specific authorization, including restaurants, grocery stores, mall kiosks, flea markets, even when payment is received in cash is illegal and a violation of your F-1 status.  We are informing you of this because our job at the International Office is to help you complete your educational objective while at UTA.  Illegal employment is not worth the risk of losing your opportunity to complete a degree in the United States.