The "fast life" of the 21st century and its impact on individuals, society
and culture are the focus of a new electronic journal launched by UTA
Sociology Professor Ben Agger. "Fast Capitalism" will explore the impact of
rapid information and communication technologies. The first issue will be
posted this fall at www.fastcapitalism.com <http://www.fastcapitalism.com/>
and will feature articles on "The War on Knowledge and Truth under Fast
Capitalism" and "The Timescapes of the Network Society." The journal is
edited by Agger and Professor Timothy W. Luke at Virginia Tech, with whom
UTA is partnering to edit and produce this online scholarly publication.
Agger and Luke have been published widely on issues related to the impact of
information, media and culture on society and politics. The journal, which
has always begun to receive papers from a broad international array of
scholars, will enhance UTA's visibility as a place where cutting-edge
scholarship in social and cultural theory is being conducted. In 1989, Agger
wrote a book called Fast Capitalism (University of Illinois Press). Fast
Capitalism is one of a series of interrelated books that Agger has published
on issues of self, media, culture and power. For a complete listing of these
books, consult his Web page: www.uta.edu/huma/agger
<http://www.uta.edu/huma/agger> . The sequel, titled Speeding Up Fast
Capitalism (Paradigm Publishers), will be published in June. The second
publication updates and extends the earlier book in light of the impact of
the Internet on cultures, jobs, families, schools and bodies. Agger also
will be teaching a course of "fast life" this summer.

(Laura Hanna)