Subject: Expanding Your Horizons volunteers needed!


Hello, Sociology Students!  The Womens’ Studies Department at UTA is preparing for their annual Expanding Your Horizons program on Saturday morning, November 6.  We need volunteers to help the presenters and to guide the girls to their workshops.


Expanding Your Horizons is a program that gives professional women who work in the fields of math and science an opportunity to teach a workshop and be a role model to girls in the 6th – 8th grades from all over the Metroplex.  The goal is to encourage girls to pursue math and science in their studies. 


Dr. Dana Austin and I (Suzanne Baldon) both give workshops in Anthropology.  Dr. Austin teaches the girls how to perform several elements of crime scene investigation, for example, determining whether bones are from a human hand or the paw of a bear, reading and matching footprints and tire tracks, seeing the difference between male and female pelvis bones.


I teach them how to make a clay reconstruction of facial appearance on a skull model.  I need at least 5 volunteers who will work with the girls at each of 5 workstations and help them to follow my directions for creating the features (for example, skin, eyeballs, mouths, noses, ears) on the skull model.  There will be two workshops of 55 minutes each and the volunteers will have the chance to use what they have learned in the first workshop to help in the second.  It’s actually very easy and a lot of fun!


If you’d like to volunteer to help in any way, please contact our Sociology Teaching Assistant, Ky Nguyen at [log in to unmask] or extension 2-3792.  She has volunteered to coordinate the volunteers for Expanding Your Horizons this year.  If you’d like to help me with the “Goosebumps – The Case of the Missing Face” workshop, please specify that preference to Ky! 


Thank you!

Suzanne Baldon J

Secretary and Lecturer



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