Dr. Michael Varner is the leading professor on a course scheduled for summer that is a study abroad experience in Ghana Africa.  This will be a rare opportunity because this trip will focus on the culture and music and how the two are inter-related.  This will be a unique experential class that will include a week studying in the capital city Accra, and then 2.5 weeks in a small fishing village along the coast.  At the village the students will take part in the day-to-day customs, rituals, and celebrations.   The students will learn from master artisans how to play the drums, dance,  experience daily training in the Ewe language, making printed cloth, cooking Ghanaian food and many many other traditional cultural experiences.   This is the first time this course has ever been offered this way. There are also scholarships available to help cover the costs.
If you are interested, please contact Dr. Varner at 272-2526 or e-mail him at [log in to unmask].

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