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Next Week:
Managing Holiday Stress

This is your holiday, and you don't have to be jolly if you don't want  
to. However, the season will come and go whether you want it to or  
not. What can you do then to avoid being labeled the holiday Grinch?  
You say you've contemplated all the common sources of holiday  
annoyance, reasoned everything out to the best of your ability, and  
the stress and business still get to you. Don't try to cure the  
disease…treat the symptoms.

What: Managing Holiday Stress
When: Tuesday December 18th, 2007, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Where: Wetsel Service Center
Who: Shawn DuMond

Participants will discuss tips and tricks as well as relaxation  
techniques that will help them navigate the sea of stress that so  
often surrounds the holiday season.

Contact Shawn DuMond by e-mail at [log in to unmask] or by phone at Ext:  
2-7292 with your questions or comments.

  OUR MISSION: "It is the purpose of the Staff Development Office of  
The University of Texas at Arlington to empower the employees of our  
University by providing educational opportunities in the areas of  
Professional Development, Personal Growth and Family Enrichment."