Maple Leaf
Staff Development Opportunities
Next Week

Would you know what to do if someone around you was having a heart attack?

What: AHA HeartSavers: First Aid with CPR and AED
When: Wednesday February 20th, 2008, 9:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Where: Environmental Health & Safety Building, 500 Summit Ave. 
Who: Environmental Heath and Safety Trainers

The skills you learn here could save a life. Participants will receive CPR certification card.
Lunch-N-Learn: How Yoga Works: Understanding the Physiology of the Poses
Get a basic understanding of this popular form of exercise and how it can benefit your health. Topics include: a review of common poses and how they impact the brain, muscular and nervous systems as well as yoga's impact on stress. Presented by Marinda Holler.

What: Lunch-N-Learn: How Yoga Works
When: Wednesday February 20th, 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Where: Maverick Activity Center 101B
Who: Quest University Wellness

 Bring a sack lunch and a notepad.
The Art of Listening  (AP)
Although most people believe they are good listeners, most people only really listen to a small portion of a conversation. If you have the desire to become a good listener, then this course if for you.
What: The Art of Listening  
When: Thursday, February 21st, 2008 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Where: Wetsel Service Center room 200
Who: Shawn DuMond
Participants will learn the basics of good listening as well as tips for identifying listening style and how get them most out of a face-to-face conversation.

Interested in Technical/Computer classes?
For a full up to date list of computer training classes or to register for a computer class, please visit the OIT Training website.
Contact Shawn DuMond by e-mail at [log in to unmask] or by phone at Ext: 2-7292 with your questions or comments.
 OUR MISSION: "It is the purpose of the Staff Development Office of The University of Texas at Arlington to empower the employees of our University by providing educational opportunities in the areas of Professional Development, Personal Growth and Family Enrichment."