Use your customer data to boost sales, increase revenue

Use your customer data to boost sales, increase revenue

Showcase OfferLearn how to take full advantage of the
   customer data you already have

Can you hear and, most importantly, use, everything your customers are saying, or are you missing key insights? Learn how to uncover customer insights that can help you boost sales and increase revenue.

This free webcast will show you how to use the data you are already capturing through your feedback programs, as well as data generated through online conversations, to help you gain more value from every customer interaction.

In today's competitive environment, the customer is king and knowing the customer is more important than ever. Learn how your organization can take full advantage of the customer data you already have.



Effective Strategies for Capturing the Voice of the Customer

Date: Thursday, March 12

Time: 11:00 a.m. CT

Presenter: Jane Hendricks, SPSS Inc.


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