Don’t forget that the  RSVP deadline for our fall conference on October 23 is today!


We have the honor of having Dr. Michele Eodice, Associate Provost for Academic Engagement and Director of The University of Oklahoma Writing Center, as our keynote speaker. Please note that Dr. Eodice’s talk is at 1:30, but the conference begins at 11:30. We will have lunch and our business meeting before Dr. Eodice’s talk. Ms. Brieanna Casey, NTWCA webspinner, will be unveiling the new NTWCA website! Write Site, the TWU writing center, is also celebrating our 40th anniversary!


Registration and payment for the conference/lunch is available at this link: . The cost of lunch is $13.50 per person. Please purchase lunch online. You will park at the visitor’s parking lot on Administration Drive: .


Please register by October 16!


Also, it’s time to get those newsletter items to our newsletter editor, Mr. Daniel Heffner. Please send him any updates you would like published in the fall newsletter to [log in to unmask] .  This is a great time to brag about your writing center and the awesome things your tutors are doing like presenting at conferences, publishing articles, etc.


Please let me know if you have any questions, and I’m looking forward to seeing you all at TWU on October 23. We have been having some issues with the LISTSERV, so please forward this email to anyone in our Writing Center community whom you think would be interested.


My best,



Jennifer Phillips-Denny, Ph.D


Coordinator of Tutoring

The Write Site

Texas Woman’s University

CFO 129
P.O. Box 425589
Denton, TX 76204


Phone: 940.898.2118

Fax: 940.898.2293



North Texas Writing Centers Association