Dear all,

The College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs invites you to attend The Next System Project teach-in at UT Arlington. The goal of the teach-in is to invite students, faculty and staff to participate in a thought provoking discussion on economic inequality, systemic racism and ecological degradation, all of which are permeating our communities and affecting our daily lives. Participants will engage in workshops and watch award-winning documentaries (trailers: 1<>, 2<>) that will introduce the concepts of systemic thinking and systemic change to talk about alternatives to the current state-of-affairs.

This is a campus wide event supported by the Graduate School and the CAPPA and all interested students, faculty and staff from across the campus are invited to participate. The event is also supported by Students Planning Association (SPA) and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Date, time and venue details are on the poster enclosed.

We hope you will join us!!

If you plan to attend, kindly RSVP here:

Please forward all your questions to me at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Thank you!

PhD Student, Urban Planning
President, CAPPA PhD Consortium

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