MSMR Grads & Board Members,

For those who have been interested in helping out with mock interviews, here is a call for volunteers for interviews during the week of November 6th.

I believe we are also trying to schedule mock interview sessions for November, so if you can't do this (or don't want to save your time for the MSMR program, stay tuned for another invitation.

Of course, there's no rule that says you can't do both!


SCOTT HANSON, PhD  Program Director, MS in Marketing Research

The University of Texas at Arlington

Box 19469, 701 S. West Street, Arlington, TX  76019-0469

O: 817.272.2340   M: 817.994.6985

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From: Quinones, Patricia B
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 11:15 AM
To: Jordan, Dr Tatia
Subject: Mock Interview Sign Up Links for COB Faculty/Sent on behalf of the Dean's Office




I was hoping we could send an email sharing these Mock Interview Sign Up links to all COB faculty, asking for their participation.  I know that many of our faculty have contacts in the surrounding business community that might be able to mock interview our students.  If each faculty member invites and successfully signs up even two interviewers, we will have most of our time slots covered. We need more than 120 professionals to participate, as you know.  







Hello! You have been invited to sign up for the University of Texas at Arlington’s College of Business Mock Interview Week, November 6-10, 2017 at the Lockheed Martin Career Development Center (CDC) on UTA’s campus.


1)     Pick the day of the week (Monday- Friday) you would like to sign up.


2)     Click the links below that are associated with that date.


3)     Pick the time that you would like to sign up. If a person’s name is to the right of the “Interviewer’s name”  box, that means that slot is taken.  If there is no name, then that time slot is available. Interviewers, this will be a two-hour commitment.  Therefore, please sign your name on four shifts, interviewing four students.  Make sure to pick 4 different time slots! If you will notice, there are eight interview room locations all operating at the same time, so you will need to scroll down to get four separate time slots.  Feel free to take a break between shifts if your schedule allows and if you feel like you need a break. A proper sign up will have a student name with an interviewer name underneath it, both within the same time slot and the same interview room location.


4)     The format of the Mock Interview is as follows:  Students and Interviewers meet in the interview room at the CDC, where students are interviewed for twenty minutes using basic interviewing questions that would apply to any business major.  Interviewers then give the students ten minutes of feedback, including a feedback form, for a total of thirty minutes (Feedback forms and sample questions will be handed out on site). 


5)     On-campus parking information and more directions are available at the following links. All visitors must register their vehicle in advance.


6)     Please feel free to share these links with others who can serve as mock interviewers so that we can prepare our UTA business students.




Monday (11/6):


Tuesday (11/7):


Wednesday (11/8):


Thursday (11/9):


Friday (11/10):






Tatia Jordan, Ph.D.

Assistant Clinical Professor of Marketing

Business Communication Program Coordinator

COB630, University of Texas at Arlington

(817) 272-6748