Hi Everyone,

During the spring, the Center for Theory will be hosting a series of colloquia about the dialectic of digital technology. The goal of the series is to continue the conversation in the form of an edited book. I am looking for a graduate research assistant to co-edit the book with me. The duties are outlined in the attached document. The Center has a small amount of money to help compensate for the work ($2,250), but more than anything this will look fantastic on a CV. Please circulate to doctoral students who you think may be interested. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,

David Arditi
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Director - Center for Theory
University of Texas at Arlington
Author of iTake-Over: The Recording Industry in the Digital Era<https://www.amazon.com/iTake-Over-Recording-Industry-Digital-Era/dp/144224013X>