Dear Colleagues,


Hope everyone had a restful summer. A couple updates.


First, we have a strong line-up for this Fall’s Colloquia, and I am working on the Spring. Each session will be at Noon on Wednesdays in a TBA room. Here is the list:



Second, the Ben Agger Theory Library is coming along. We have over 120 books in the collection. However, we do not have space yet. Hopefully as it grows, it won’t sit idly crowding my office. If you would like to contribute books, feel free to pass them my way.


Third, Cole Baggett, a Sociology Master’s student, will be working as a Graduate Research Assistant for the Center. He’ll be helping with various activities. This is a huge step for the Center for Theory and demonstrates the growth in activities that the Center is taking on.


Finally, the newest issue of Fast Capitalism will be released soon. Following this issue, I will be take the responsibility of Editor. I’m happy to consider any ideas for the journal.


I look forward to seeing you all around campus. Please do not hesitate if you have any ideas that you would like to share with me.





p.s. I’m situating MusicDetour: The DFW local music archive within the Center for Theory. I am hoping to present at SXSW to discuss the archive. If you have a second, please go to the SXSW PanelPicker page and vote for my presentation.


David Arditi

Associate Professor of Sociology

Director – Center for Theory

University of Texas at Arlington

Author of iTake-Over: The Recording Industry in the Digital Era