Dear Colleagues,


I’m writing to announce a Call for Proposals for a special issue of Fast Capitalism. The Special Issue is tentatively titled: NAFTA and Brexit: Reconsidering the Global Forces of Populism and Free Trade.


Fast Capitalism is seeking critical essays for possible inclusion in a special issue on NAFTA and Brexit. The goal is to gather both scholarly essays and political commentaries in time to present careful critical studies of the links between neoliberal trade practices negotiated by nation-states, large corporations, international organizations and the populist opposition to such global initiatives in local, regional, and national arenas, while the respective governments involved in these activities debate new policy initiatives.


We want to create space for scholars to be part of the conversation about NAFTA and Brexit. Please consider submitting a proposal and circulate this CFP in your circles.


Thank you,



David Arditi

Associate Professor of Sociology

Director – Center for Theory

University of Texas at Arlington

Author of iTake-Over: The Recording Industry in the Digital Era