Hello Everyone,

Happy March! I'm writing to pass along the flyer for Dr. Kenneth Roemer's Center for Theory Colloquium. He will be presenting "The Joys, Frustrations, and Temptations of Self-Creation<http://www.uta.edu/theory/images/Roemer_Colloquium_3-25-2019.jpg>" on Monday March 25, at Noon in University Hall Room 10. Please spread the word. Here is a link to the Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/662980784144036/.


David Arditi
Associate Professor of Sociology
Director - Center for Theory
Editor - Fast Capitalism
University of Texas at Arlington
Author of iTake-Over: The Recording Industry in the Digital Era<https://www.amazon.com/iTake-Over-Recording-Industry-Digital-Era/dp/144224013X>