Hey guys,

We are quickly approaching the Business Analytics symposium.  I am forwarding the following invitation from Santoso Budiman:

This year’s full-day symposium will be held in the University Center on Thursday March 5. In addition to TechTalks by industry leaders, we will have AWS DeepRacer<https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fdeepracer%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cscott.hanson%40uta.edu%7Cde131aabb68c40f048cf08d7a402b825%7C5cdc5b43d7be4caa8173729e3b0a62d9%7C0%7C0%7C637158203891751025&sdata=hET%2Fcwc3vVEKRGNrQKldg01OrjoYfmGaLkUT8puYB8s%3D&reserved=0> workshop (a fun way to learn Machine Learning by programming and racing cars) for the first 30 registrants (administered by AWS and Capgemini), and happy hour. The $40 early registration fee (through Feb 10) also covers breakfast, lunch and parking. A great value to learn and network.

Registration link:


Symposium website (you can find speakers details/schedule/etc):


Thank you in advance for your kind help.

This event provides a nice lineup of speakers detailing their companies' use of data analytics, so it's a great event for junior and senior professionals.

Feel free to reach out to Dr. Budiman (copied here) with any questions about the event.

I hope to see you there.


SCOTT HANSON, PhD  Program Director, MS in Marketing Research
The University of Texas at Arlington
Box 19469, 701 S. West Street, Arlington, TX  76019-0469
M: 817.994.6985

[log in to unmask]<https://legacy.uta.edu/owa/jshanson@exchange.uta.edu/redir.aspx?SURL=GEuqqnIbcn9RB2cklrIuJGsYdmip_KHmRh7P0yzkFbkpcR3o5fDSCG0AYQBpAGwAdABvADoAcwBjAG8AdAB0AC4AaABhAG4AcwBvAG4AQAB1AHQAYQAuAGUAZAB1AA..&URL=mailto%3ascott.hanson%40uta.edu>