*You are receiving this message from Cross Timbers Procurement Technical Assistance Center (CTPTAC), a division of the University of Texas at Arlington. Cross Timbers is a Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), which offers mostly free government contracting assistance.*


Attached, please find the various, FREE, government contracting webinars and events offered by Cross Timbers Procurement Technical Assistance Center (CTPTAC) in the month of January.

CTPTAC also offers free, live and recorded webinars that you may view at your convenience through the "Presentation" and "Calendar" tab on our website, www.uta.edu/crosstimbers. Please click the green, "Request for Assistance" button to become a client of Cross Timbers.

Cross Timbers will be closed for the holiday season beginning 12/24 and will reopen 1/3. 

If you have questions, please let me know. May you and your family have a safe and joyous holiday season!

Spelile Rivas
Business Development Coordinator
Cross Timbers Procurement Center @ UTA
202 E. Border St., Suite 323
Arlington, TX 76010