
I haven't received any responses from graduate students on this opportunity. Please let them know it exists.


From: Arditi, David M
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2021 11:09 AM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: GRA in Center for Theory

Dear Colleagues and Graduate Students,

Colleagues: Please circulate to your departments

This Spring the Center for Theory will have a Graduate Research Assistant Position. The emphasis of this position will be to work on grant funding and locating donations for the Center for Theory. This will be a great resume builder for anyone who thinks they may go into non-profit or grant/development work. The GRA will be in charge of searching for funding opportunities for the Center's projects, consulting with the Director about what will work, sending inquiries about funding opportunities and helping with the grants/funding applications. A small part of the gig will be assisting with the Center in other ways (i.e. a handful of books to catalog in the library and promoting the colloquium). The job will be 10 hours per week with the expectation that the work is conducted during office hours in the Ben Agger Theory Library (Stipend $2,250).

Please let me know if you have any questions. If you are interested, please send me a cover letter and CV/resume by January 10.


David Arditi
Associate Professor of Sociology
Director - Center for Theory
Editor - Fast Capitalism
University of Texas at Arlington
Author: Getting Signed<>, Streaming Culture<>, and iTake-Over<>