
This message is being distributed on behalf of
Knowledge Services.

Voucher Entry Issue

What is Happening?
UT Shared Information Services (UTSIS) has identified an issue with Payment Vouchers. When users save a voucher without attachments, then, without leaving the voucher screen, add attachments and try to save again, the user will receive an error message stating "Data being updated does not exist."

What is the Impact?

Users are unable to complete vouchers that they had previously saved.

What Actions are being taken to Resolve?
UTSIS has notified Oracle of the issue and is working toward a resolution.

As a workaround, when creating vouchers, please fill out all the required fields and add attachments prior to saving the voucher.

We will send an additional notice once the issue is resolved.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Knowledge Services at 817-272-2155<tel:817-272-2155>, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, chat<https://www.uta.edu/business-affairs/training/training-chat-support.php> or open a Service Now Ticket<https://uta.service-now.com/selfservice>.

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